About us

Current Research in Egyptology (CRE) is a postgraduate conference set up to facilitate research and promote bonds between British and international universities worldwide who are conducting research in Egyptology, Egyptian Archaeology, or any other related field of study.

In 2022, CRE is hosted by the ENiM team at the Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3, in France.

FREE keynote lectures

The keynote lectures organised during the congress are FREE for everyone.

They are broadcast on youtube, through the following link: 


The list of keynote lectures is available in the dedicated page of this website, as well as at the beginning of the Book of Abstracts. 

A detailed programme is also available in the "Programme" webpage.

Registration & Fees

Dear participants to the CRE,


Registration is now open for everyone wishing to attend.

We welcome attendance in person as much as possible, in order to get back together and meet again after these last years of pandemy. 

However, we will be providing ZOOM links to follow the conference online for those who cannot attend in person.


Registration fees are as follows:

- Attendance (in person or remote) : 33€

- Exemption of attendance fees for Egyptian nationals and for students and members of Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 (by presenting a valid proof of status: Egyptian ID, valid student or professionnal card).

- Excursion to Marseille (including bus transfer and visit of the exhibition Pharaohs Superstars at the MUCEM) : 11€

The conference dinner is unfortunately fully booked now.


To register, create an account on sciencesconf, then go to "registration" (tutorial available on the left side menu).

Information about registration

Dear participants to the CRE,

We are sorry to inform you that the gala dinner is now fully booked and we cannot accept new inscriptions.

You can still register to attend the CRE as well as to accompany us on the trip to Marseille on September 30th.

Tutorials about registration are available on the left-hand side of the webpage.

For any question, please contact us at cre2022montpellier@gmail.com


The OC

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